
Thursday, December 23, 2010

too confident? haha~ there's an explaination

SO! yesterday was the day when all our anxiety disappeared like drastically after knowing our PMR RESULTS~ wooot.. (fuyo, lame x gune ayt skema cm nih)

hee~ and alhamdulillah, my results are satisfying. and by that, i mean i got 8A's. (phewww)
i really have to say that I AM pressured by my family and probably teachers. so if i didn't get 8a's i might have been sooo damn DOWN like... waaayyyy down...

ape2 pon... mmg ramai la dak skolah aq yg dpt 8A. NOT BAD APE, SMK Kangkar Pulai.. yg org laen pndg rendah sgt asal??? hak ellahhh... *emo~
25 org taon nih yg 8A... so we did it~ we broke the record!! hahaa..

okay so ape yg aq nk citer nih pasal time nk amek result tuhhh... punyela nervous sume org... yg aq? emmm... *cough cough*
aq konfiden je kan!! WAHAHA... smpy bile ckgu ckp,
"sape yg yakin dy dapat 8A?"
AQ SORG JEK AGKT TANGAN!! *SERIUS NYESAL SGT AQ ANGKAT... (igtkn ramai la gak yg konon2 konfiden.. aq mgharapkn BURHAN! tp dy pon x agkt) ngeng!

so kire mcm aq blagak la plakk kn!! ADUHHH! sorry sgt2 kpade mreke yg igt aq blagak... sanye,, ade explaination... here, let me keep it simple.
pade pukul 10 lebey, ketika result masih lagi on the way ke sekolah, MY MOM (who's a teacher) texted la ckgu yg bertugas untuk bwk slip2 kputusan tu ke skolah.... then dy btwu aq resultsnye.. so YUPP, i knew my results before anyone else did... =.="

lpastu my mom didn't let me tell anyone.. so i had to BLAKON mcm aq ni x twu la... (mnjadik jugak aq blakon snyer~ wahahaha!!) aq wat2 nervous gilakk... heee~

tp yg mase ckgu tnye pasal yakin dpt 8A tu mmg aq agkt jek la.. SBB JUJO MMG AQ DAH YAKIN~ hahahahaahha!!!

ngeng tol. hishh... anywayyyzzz!! to everyone yg dpt result bagos2 tu congratz okay!! troskan usehe ntok SPM pulakk...~

p/s: SPY AQ 7A~ wahahah! *nape nk kne btwu kat sini? MABOK!

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