
Friday, May 28, 2010

growing up as a teenage girl... ;)

So, the other day my mom was cleaning the store and took out a lot of stuffs... A LOT... well, it's a "store" so it's filled with old junks and stuffs... the interesting thing is, my mom found my old Toy-box which of course, was filled with TOYS! duuh...

Unlike a Boy's Toy-box which would probably have toys like action figures or transformers or whutev in it, my old toy-box was filled with Polly Pockets, Barbie Dolls, and baby dolls and more girly toys..... so what came into my mind when i saw my mom taking out all those Dolly dolly thingies was,

"gosh,, i used to play with these stuffs, huh? i must be a pretty lonely kid.!"

i mean, i had a LOT of those and i used to play them with my sis... but when my sis grew up, she left me to play all alone by myself.............. *cough* *cough* now, now,, no teary moments please... but the point is,, i seem to have had lots of fun playing those stuffs; talking to a bunch of dolls, making dolls dance, undressing dolls, "pretending" they had feelings... err,, yea, let's just say I WAS A LONELY KID.... poor cute wittle me...

but i realized as i grew up that playing with dolls is no fun anymore... (=_=;) i'm not sure why.. even then, when i saw my old Dolls, i felt like i really don't need them anymore.. like, i knew i can't have fun playing with them anymore...SO, from this,, i discovered the fact that I, a 15 year-old girl, has completely,, graduated from playing dollies and finally become a TEENAGE GIRL! hooray me?? yes....

Although,, i don't think i have matured enough to NOT be a kid anymore.. i mean, i'm still a young, over-joyed, clumsy, irresponsible, cute and adorable little kid like i used to be..! okay2, maybe not cute and adorable anymoree.... but still,, being a teenager doesn't seem to be any different than being a 6 year-old... we get into trouble, we get scolded, we rebel! tadaa~

However,, some of my likings and dislikings changed as i'm older... like, i used to dislike eating green vegetables (due to some LIE i heard which said that i'd turn green once i started eating them...) but now,, well,, let's just say i DO eat them without hesitating or worrying i'd turn into Shrek or something.. (=_=") and, and,, the fact that i know Santa and Fairies don't exist is also a point where i started growing up... ! (awww,, Santa isn't real! i knowww... sad, right???) another part of me that changed currently, is that,, i'm starting to hate cartoons nowadays! i mean, i don't hate Spongebob,, i don't hate cartoons that make me laugh,, i just hate plain old cartoons that're too immature! (ghahahah,, yes, spongebob is mature enough for me!) point is, i'm not addicted to cartoons anymore..!! yayyy, hurraaah... BUT, now i'm addicted to Animes and Mangas... *phails*

Question: "since i'm already a teenage girl, should i start wearing make-ups and all??"

this here ^ , is the question that i always,, always, always,, IGNORE.... no, i don't wear make-up yet... UNLESS if there's a special occasion like, Hari Raya... which is only once a year! my sisters would put stuffs on my face and make me all dolly dolly.. =_=" *blushhh* embarrassing? yes, thank you very much..! i like being natural better,, well, at least for now that is.. *wink wink*

hmm,, soo... how do i end this? err,, well let's just say, even though i am a teenager now, i still have a lot more to learn, a lot more to experience, and a lot more to tell..!

soo,, catch ya later!

the still inexperienced me,
Daisuki Yo

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