
Sunday, February 26, 2012

We Are Swag

"The world is your oyster, and one day you're gonna find a pearl. Unless if your oyster has no pearl, then in that case you have to get another oyster... which means you need another world" -epic randomness from Nigahiga's "Forever Alone"-

it's really nice when you have someone to share your good time with. especially when that person has the same interest as you.

I like to consider myself lucky to actually have someone like "that". he's like the awesomest buddy i could ever afford to have.

we don't talk when we meet. it's weird, because in our chats in IM we're like really close. there's no doubt that we know each other too well.

chatting with him makes me feel like i can tell him anything. i don't have to be someone i'm not. i'd be the real nerd that i am.

even as time goes by, we still contact each other. not ALL the time, but very frequently. especially when one of us have problems. i guess it's just to remind ourselves that we're there for one another.

NigaHiga is our favourite youtuber. for some reason, his randomness gets to us a lot. we'd quote nigahiga's video when we don't really have anything to talk about. those are somehow my favourite moments.

we're best friends, that's undeniable. and best friends can exist in real life or virtually. for our case, it's both.

he is the funniest, nerdiest yet coolest, most random friend.

and to top all that off, HE is my cousin.


P.S thnx also for the flower. the image of u playing with plasticine makes me lol. XD

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Just to be noticed

I took a picture of me with my big bro's guitar as an attempt to capture Sungha Jung's attention if I post it on the web. but when I showed it to my sister, she said I looked too desperate. :(

I'm really serious though about trying to capture a Youtube celebrity's attention. and as for now, I'll let sungha Jung be my first target. He's Asian, he's younger than me and he can play the guitar in a real awesome way. It kinda makes me feel proud to be able to play the same instrument as Sungha Jung. *nostril flares*
(tho, bare in mind that by me playing guitar I actually mean me pathetically slamming the guitar strings)

eventually, after hearing my sister's honest declaration, I figured another method to gain Sungha's attention. which is....
by writing a song and posting it on the web.

so far the lyrics are in progress. but as for the melody, I keep humming it to myself yet they keep changing aswell. =.=" anyways, if I really do finish writing the song I'll probably post the lyrics here.

BTW, I badly want to delete this blog and create a new one. I just feel like hiding my identity because this blog doesn't suit me at all. I want to be the real me. and truth be told, the real me isn't what everyone expects me to be.
More or less, the previous posts in this blog sorta shows the me that I act to be.

wellp, I just have to endure having this one blog(since i'm too lazy to make a new one) it's okay tho, slowly.... this blog will change.
*dramatic music*